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Salesforce Q1FY23 Earnings Analysis

Kicks off with travel tales of Marc, Bret and Gavin who've been out meeting customers.

Customer success and Digital Transformation are key drivers....still.

Slack mentioned 20 times during the call

Revenue Intelligence Product - one of the few productized multi cloud combination apps. [Sales Cloud + Tableau] we will see more of these being rolled up under the core clouds to continue to drive growth and leverage previous acquisitions.

Interesting bullets:

  • 4th quarter with 40% growth of Slack customers spending 100k+
  • Industry clouds in 7 of top 10 deals
  • Sales cloud growth 18% and Service cloud 17% ==> everyone watches for maturity and saturation
  • Tableau and Mulesoft grew 15% Y/Y

Bret Taylor: "Our ecosystem is unparalleled. We have over 15 million trailblazers, creating what IDC estimates will be $1.6 trillion in economic impact for our customers and for our partners."

Salesforce will continue to leverage the strength of the ecosystem they have built for increased differentiation and solutions. This plus slack everywhere will lead to continued expansion and customers in the short term looking to do more with their existing investments. This customer focus on ROI happened in 2008 downturn and was the lever for growth then as well.