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become a better AI prompter

Written by Josh Weckesser | May 9, 2024


Welcome to this week's edition of Practical AI for Partners! Initially, I had planned to delve into using ChatGPT to craft a Google Apps Script. But near the end of my conversation, I asked a question I'd never considered before, and the response was far more intriguing than simply writing code to analyze Gmail messages. So, in this post, we're exploring how AI can help you become a more effective prompter!

Here is the conversation:

Here are the five steps to improve your prompts:

Structured Prompt for Enhanced Clarity

  1. Objective: Clearly state the main goal of the script.

    • Example: "I need a Google Apps Script that enhances email management by automatically labeling and managing follow-ups for emails I've sent but haven't received replies to."
  2. Specific Requirements:

    • Labeling: "Automatically apply a label 'Awaiting Reply' to any sent email not replied to within 7 days."
    • Exclusions: "Exclude any emails located in the drafts folder from being labeled."
    • Re-application Logic: "Ensure that once a label is manually removed, it is not re-applied unless there is a new unreplied email in that thread."
    • Follow-Up Notifications: "Send me an automated suggestion for follow-up if no reply is received within 10 days."
  3. Advanced Features:

    • Interaction Tracking: "Integrate interaction tracking to identify if the email has been opened or interacted with."
    • User Preferences: "Allow customization of settings such as the sensitivity of the reply expectation and prioritization of emails based on content analysis."
    • Natural Language Processing: "Utilize NLP to analyze the urgency and tone of the email content to better predict and suggest follow-up actions."
  4. Output Expectations:

    • "Describe how the script should notify me of suggested actions and any changes in the email labeling status."
    • "Outline how I can view or interact with the automated suggestions and settings."
  5. Feedback Mechanism:

    • "Include a simple feedback mechanism within the script that allows me to rate the usefulness of each suggestion, helping to refine and improve the script’s accuracy over time."


Crafting clear and detailed prompts is essential for maximizing the potential of AI tools. With a structured approach to prompt engineering, you can refine your AI interactions, making them smarter and more effective over time. Keep experimenting, learning from feedback, and iterating on your prompts to harness the full power of AI in your partner workflows. Happy prompting!